Tuesday 21 July 2015

autism in toddlers

Autism or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder that affects social interaction, communication, and behavior. ASD covers Asperger's syndrome and autism in childhood.

Based on data from the Central Bureau of Statistics, there were an estimated 2.4 million people with autism in Indonesia in 2010. Indonesia's population of the time it reached 237.5 million, meaning there is about one person with autism in every 100 babies born.

Although autism can not be cured, there are different types of handling and treatment steps that can help people with autism. Therefore, it is important for us to be aware of the symptoms as early as possible.

Symptoms and Diagnosis of Autism
Symptoms of autism usually only apparent after a significant change in one's life and generally begins to develop in childhood. Symptoms tend to vary among persons, but can be grouped into two main categories.

The first category is impaired social interaction and communication. These symptoms include disorders of understanding and sensitivity to the feelings of others and slow language acquisition.

The second category is the mindset, interests, and behaviors are limited and repeat. Examples of repetitive movements, such as tapping or squeezing a hand, and feel upset when routines are disrupted.

People with autism also tend to have problems in learning and other psychiatric conditions, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), anxiety disorders, or depression.

Symptoms of autism usually known at the beginning of the age of the child's development before reaching three years. Contact your doctor if you are aware of the symptoms of autism or developmental disorders in yourself and your child.

Autism Causes And Myth
There are several genetic and environmental factors are thought to cause this disorder, but the exact cause of autism is not known until today. In certain cases, autism may also be caused by certain diseases.

The vaccine against measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) never suspected as a cause of autism is that many parents are reluctant to give it to their children. But after doing extensive studies involving millions of children, the researchers did not find evidence linking MMR vaccine and autism.

Persons with Autism Adult and Issues
There are some people who grow up without a diagnosis, even if symptoms have appeared since they were children. The process of diagnosis as adults can help people with autism and their families to understand this disorder and decide what kind of help they need.

Most adults with autism have difficulty finding a job because of the demands and social change in the work. Autism specific service center can help them to find jobs that match their skills.

In Indonesia, especially Jakarta, there is the International Center for Special Care in Education (ICSCE). ICSCE is a nonprofit organization that exposes and provides an overview of the training and provision of field workers for people with autism.

Sunday 19 July 2015

Know the Warning Signs of ADHD in Children

Attention-deficit / hyperactivity disorder, known as ADHD is a chronic condition that affects millions of children in the world and often continues into adulthood. ADHD includes some combination of problems, such as difficulty sustaining attention, hyperactivity and impulsive behavior.
Children with ADHD also may struggle with low self-esteem, troubled relationships and poor performance in school.

Signs and symptoms of ADHD
In order to diagnose ADHD, signs and symptoms should appear before age 7 years. In fact, in some children, signs of ADHD seen at the beginning of the year to 2 or 3.

Signs and symptoms of inattention include:

Often fail to pay attention to details or make mistakes / careless in school or other activities
Often has difficulty sustaining attention during tasks or play
Looks do not listen even when spoken directly
Have difficulty follow instructions and often fails to finish school, work or other tasks
Often has trouble organizing tasks or activities
Avoid or dislike tasks that require sustained mental effort, such as schoolwork or homework
Often loses things necessary, such as books, pencils, or toys
Can be easily distracted
Often forgotten

Signs and symptoms of hyperactivity and impulsive behavior including:

Anxiety or often writhe
Often leaves seat when in class or in other situations
Has difficulty playing quietly
Talks excessively
Do not like to wait their turn
Often interrupt or interfere with the speech of others
ADHD can be considered since a very small old child. In infants, symptoms appear, are:
Too many moves, frequent crying, and poor sleep patterns
Difficult to eat / drink
Always thirsty
Quick tempered / often have temper tantrums
Children, the symptoms of ADHD are often seen, is:
Difficulty concentrating / have a very short concentration span
Very active and always on the move
Tend to be timid
Has a short memory
Look no confidence
Have trouble sleeping and difficulty eating
Very smart, but learning achievement is not prime.
Not all children with ADHD appear to have this symptom, because it depends on the level of ADHD pathway.

Prevention of ADHD

There is no way to prevent ADHD occurs. However, there are some steps that can help prevent problems caused by ADHD and make sure your child is physically, mentally and emotionally healthy.

During pregnancy, avoid anything that can harm fetal development. Do not drink alcohol, smoking or drugs. Protect children from exposure to pollutants and toxins, including cigarette smoke, chemicals or industrial agriculture, and lead paint (found in some older buildings). Be consistent and have clear boundaries for your child's behavior. Collecting a daily routine for your child with clear expectations that include things like sleep, when I wake up in the morning, eat, simple tasks and watch television. Make eye contact when giving instructions, and set aside a few minutes each day to praise your child. If your child does have ADHD or other conditions that interfere with learning or social interactions, early treatment can reduce the impact of the condition.

When to see a doctor?

If you are concerned that your child is showing signs of ADHD, such as trouble concentrating, difficulty sitting still, or the inability to control his behavior. Immediately consult this issue at the pediatrician or your family doctor. Your doctor may refer you to a specialist, but it is important to have a medical evaluation first to check for other causes of the difficulties your child.

Diagnosis of ADHD can be scary, and symptoms can be a challenge for parents and children alike. However, treatment can make a big difference, and most children with ADHD grow into normal adults.

Friday 17 July 2015

Know the Symptoms of Late Talk

PDD-NOS (Pervasive Developmental Disorder - Not Otherwise Specified), a diagnosis given to children who do not meet the diagnostic criteria of the four forms of Pervasive Development Disorder (PDD) such as autism, Asperger's, CDD (Disintegratiive Childhood Disorder), and Rett.

PDD-NOS children showed a clear interference in the aspect of communication, social interaction, and interest / attention that is. Meanwhile the American Pediatric Association (APA) precisely defines PDD-NOS as a set of problems autistic / developmental disorder that consists of 5 state that: Autism, Asperger Syndrome, Rett's Syndrome, CDD (Childhood Disintegrative Disorder), and PDD-NOS.

Every child with PDD-NOS has an intensity varying interference. Some children with PDD-NOS have obstacles in school or home, while others have difficulty in the area of ​​his life.

The term PDD-NOS is used if a child shows some signs / symptoms of autism but does not meet all the criteria is there to be said as autism or other forms of PDD.

The term PDD-NOS is also sometimes referred to the term APD (Atypical Personality Development), APDD (Atypical PDD), or Atypical Autism, or categorized in ASD which is closer to a diagnosis of Asperger's Syndrome although it may not fit. Actual or children show characteristics of autism but without some other symptoms of autism.

Autistic spectrum

Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a term used to describe a set of abnormalities in the presence of interference / problems / disorders that vary in the areas of social interaction, communication, interests are very limited, and highly repetitive behavior. So this issue as a spectrum where at one end there is a clear autism (full-blown, meet all criteria), and walked to the other end with problems / disorders / symptoms of an increasingly "fade" until it ends at the end of which Asperger's syndrome or PDD -NOS.

Characteristics that are typical of Asperger's syndrome is not the delay in the onset of speech in children, but there is interference / problems in communication and language (please distinguish between the terms speak the language).

Asperger syndrome, generally trouble growing concern after the bigger children (ranging in age from elementary school) which required greater language skills needed to communicate and interact with its environment.

Multisystem Developmental Disorder (MSDD) is a term first used by Stanley Greenspan to describe children 3 years old and younger who show signs of communication disorders such as autism, but with keterlekatan strong emotions that do not exist in autism.

Similar autistic

Parents often experience confusion as to the mention of the disorder. Yet all the same, there are only criteria are met and there is not. Which in fact often is infantile autism. But often do not meet the diagnostic criteria as a whole, but it is no autistic traits. Well if it were so, to make it easier, people usually call PDD-NOS. So there autistic traits, but not complete, do not meet the diagnostic criteria for infantile.

The most common cases in Indonesia is infantile autism, PDD-NOS, and Asperger. Comparisons between men and women who have autistic disorder was 4: 1. Autism is a disorder that exist in the human brain, which causes the child to live in his own world.

This disorder usually appears in children under the age of three. Parents also must be able to differentiate and really sure when the fault occurred. When appearing under three years, then it is autistic. But there are one or two cases that appear in the top five or six years. If so, are not called autistic disorder, but other disorders that have autistic traits.

Until now, it is not certain causes of autism. However, in recent years research, genetic factors considered to be factors that cause autism. Perhaps parents said no family history, but is thought to be a mutation of the gene.

Other studies mentioned when one parent who advanced age can reduce autistic children. Mothers who are elderly, over 40 years, and the father who advanced age of 50 years, must be careful. They could be expected to decrease the lack of good genes.

The goal of therapy

For children with autism, basically can not be cured, although the high-functioning autistic child whose symptoms are perfectly normal. However, parents who have children with autism do not have to worry. Autistic children can be treated, as long as it is properly done therapists are really professional in his field.

The goal of therapy is actually making the child can grow and develop, especially their language processes. Moreover, 75 percent could not speak. If he could speak, minimal decrease symptoms of emotional keagresivan or tantrums, because he had revealed what he does not want and that she does not like. Further course of social development. And most importantly independence, such as bathing, eating, and sleeping.

Which must be done

For parents, early detection must be done. Administration of drugs should not be feared because it will be adjusted and will not be given a lifetime.
Parent and large families also have to accept what their autistic children. Process to help the autistic child's development could be years. Patience and compassion is needed.
For the general public, avoid looking at autistic child as someone strange, especially infectious. The mention of "autistic" are mushrooming in the community to be mockery, not be used. Do not wear the mention of "autistic" outside the real situation because it would offend the parents who have autistic children.

Wednesday 15 July 2015

Know the Symptoms of Autism

Some of my friends have children with autism. Actually, what is autism?

Autism is a developmental disorder that can be observed in toddlers. Typically, children experience an interruption in their interaction with others. There is difficulty in communicating, playing patterns, and patterns of different emotions. Including autism disorder PDD (Pervasive Developmental Disorder).

What is certain, autism is not a disease, but until now could not be 'cured'. Children will grow up with some traits of autism that keeps going through. Even so, with the help of therapy according to his needs, he is more able to adapt to its environment.

To identify whether children with autism or not, there are characteristics, really. For example, infants aged 6-12 months to be seen how he interacts. If there are characteristics of the following, you should consult the experts, by not responding smile mama, do not react when his name was called, it is very difficult to be transferred if it admired certain objects, less lively facial expressions, and very irritable.

In the older child, try consulting the experts if they find a lot of the following signs: the same body movements and repetitive as no bored (sometimes movements seem strange!), No speech delay (for example, at the age of 18 months had not said one word pun), saying the same thing over and over again (even though it is not relevant to what is going on), highly sensitive, easily irritated by certain sounds or touch, or just very insensitive (for example, the head of a hard hit, but such is not experiencing pain), wants to play with it-that's all, lack of eye contact, and are not interested in other people.

Autism occurs due to genetic or teratogens (things that cause fetal defects, such as cigarettes, alcohol, or drugs consumed by pregnant women without consulting a doctor), or due to the stress of pregnancy weight. However, all these causes are still vetted.

How parents deal with children? Instead, always look at the development of the child. If there is a difference with other children, check first stage of development that should be experienced. If very different, immediately consult a professional. If you've been diagnosed with autism, parents should share the tasks so that was not too tired to handle children. If possible, find also other assistance. For example, assistant household or family.

Should be taken to a psychologist? The first inspection could be carried out at the Clinic Growth (usually, is in the hospital big enough). Here, children can be examined by several experts to diagnose whether the delays that are included in autism, PDD other groups, other developmental disorders, or simply lack of stimulation. Afterwards, it will be given suggestions for the development of the child.

If he is autistic, requires a lot of experts to help him grow more adaptive, such as a child psychologist, child psychiatrist, neurologist, doctor gastroenterologist, and various therapists.

Tuesday 14 July 2015

Recognize ADHD - Causes And Treatment

ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, which is a brain development disorder that causes the sufferer to be hyperactive, impulsive, and difficulty concentrating. This condition was once sikenal with ADD or Attention Deficit Disorder.

ADHD is a condition that can be found in children, teenagers and even adults. However, the symptoms usually begin to develop in childhood and continues into adulthood. There are an estimated 3-5 percent of children or school-age children who have this condition. Without proper treatment, ADHD can have serious consequences such as mal-achievement (under-achievement), failure at school or work, difficult relationships or social interactions, insecurity is severe, and chronic depression.


The exact cause and pathology of ADHD is still not clearly revealed. As well as autism disorders, ADHD is a disorder statu is multi factorial. Many factors are considered as peneyebab these disorders, including genetic factors, brain development during pregnancy, when perinatal brain development, the level of intelligence (IQ), metabolic dysfunction, hormonal irregularities, physical environment, social and parenting by parents, teachers and people who are influential in sekitarnya.Banyak studies show the effectiveness of treatment with psychostimulants, which facilitates dopamine and noradrenergic expenditure tricyclics. This condition mengungatkan sepukalsi disorder of the brain area associated with kekuirangan neurotransmitter. So the neurotransmitters dopamine and norepinephrine often diokaitkan with ADHD.

Genetic factors seem to play a role most ADHD behavioral disturbances. Several studies conducted found that the hyperactivity that occurs in a child is always accompanied by a history of the same disorder in the family at least one person in the immediate family. Also obtained a third of patients with hyperactive father also suffered from the same disorder in their childhood. Parents and siblings with ADHD experience a risk of 2-8 times more easily occur ADHD, monozygotic twins is more apt to occur with ADHD than dizygotic twins also showed genetic Fator involvement in ADHD. The involvement of genetic and chromosomal is still not known with certainty. Several genes related to dopamine receptors codes and serotonin production, including DRD4, DRD5, DAT, DBH, 5-HTT, and 5-HTR1B, many associated with ADHD.

Neuropsychological research converting the frontal cortex and the circuitry that connects the ward executive functions ganglia. Catecholamines is the main neurotransmitter functions related to the frontal lobe of the brain function. So that the dopaminergic and noradrenergic neurotransmission appears to be the main target in the treatment of ADHD.

Another theory mentions the possibility of dysfunction of neurons in the brain circuits that are affected by dopamine as a neurotransmitter originator of the movement and as a self-control activities. Due to minimal brain disorder, which causes a drag on the control system behavior. In a study conducted using MRI examination of the brain dysfunction was noted in the area of ​​the right mesial prefrontal and subcortical striae which implies the occurrence of obstacles to responses that are not relevant and specific functions. In people with ADHD are weaknesses brain activity lower right prefrontal cortex and left caudate related to the effect of time delay on motor response to sensory stimuli.

Some other researchers revealed the theory of maturation lack or an inaction in the process of development of children with ADHD. According to this theory, people can finally pursue his delay and this situation postulated will occur around the age of puberty. So that these symptoms do not settle but only temporarily before delays can be pursued.

Many researchers reveal ADHD sufferers with gastrointestinal disorders are often associated with the acceptance of certain food reaction. Theories about food allergies, Feingold's theory which assumed that salicylates have unfavorable effects on the child's behavior, as well as the theory that sugar is a substance that stimulates hyperactivity in children. Mentioned among others, on the theory megavitamin and ortomolecular as therapy

Damage to brain tissue or brain damage caused by trauma primary and recurrent trauma in the same place. The second theory is worth considering as a cause of hyperactivity syndrome is the author divided into three groups. In this disorder structural deviation from the normal shape due to a variety of reasons other than because of trauma. Other disorders such as damage to the central nervous system (CNS) is anatomically similar to those caused by infection, bleeding and hypoxia.

Other changes occur without disruption of brain function and anatomical structure changes clear. Deviations caused a bottleneck stimulus or even the emergence of excessive stimulus that causes significant deviations in the development of the child's relationship with parents and the surrounding environment.

Research by comparing the MRI picture between children with ADHD and normal children, it produces a different picture, where in children with ADHD have a picture of the brain that is more symmetrical than normal children who are generally larger than the right brain left brain.

With radiological examination of brain PET (positron emission tomography), it was shown that in children with ADHD with hyperactivity disorder more dominant obtained excessive brain activity compared to normal children by measuring levels of sugar (as the main energy source of brain activity) obtained a significant difference between patients with hyperactive and normal children.

Pengobaatan and handling

Although this condition can not be cured, there are some measures or treatment for people with ADHD. Treatment here means the action or strategies to help control the symptoms of ADHD. The goal is to help sufferers improve social skills, improve the ability to study or work, increase the child's confidence, and keep sufferers from behavior that could endanger yourself.

Treatment for patients with ADHD may be drugs or therapies. Medications are often given by doctors usually stimulants, which are used to help control hyperactive and impulsive attitudes in children, as well as help improve focus or attention.

Handling form of therapy (psychotherapy) is also commonly given to people with ADHD. Therapy can be given in the form of social skills training, behavioral modification (behavior), as well as cognitive therapy. Parents and families are also usually be given training in the form of an introduction to ADHD, how to deal with the symptoms of ADHD in children, the approaches used, or in the form of support for parents who have children with ADHD.

Monday 13 July 2015

And Guiding recognize Hyperactive Kids

What exactly is called hyperactive? Hyperactivity disorder actually been known since about 1900 in the medical world, on subsequent developments began to emerge the term ADHD (Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder). To be called a hyperactivity disorder, there should be three main symptoms that appear in a child's behavior, namely inatensi, hyperactivity, and impulsivity.

Inatensi or less concentration of attention can be seen from a child's failure to give full attention to something, the child is not able to maintain his concentration on something, so it is easy to switch attention from one thing to another.

Symptoms of hyperactivity can be seen from the behavior of children who can not be silent, sit quietly is something hard to do. He will get up and running, running to and fro, and even climb-climb. In addition, it tends to cause a lot of talk and noise.

Impulsive symptoms characterized by difficulty the child to delay the response, There is a kind of encouragement to say / do something uncontrollable. The impulse urges to be expressed immediately and without consideration, a real example of impulsive symptoms are impatient behavior. Children will not wait to wait for people to complete the talks, the child will be interrupted or rush to answer before the question is finished posed. Children also can not to wait their turn, like queuing for instance. The other side of the child's impulsivity is a high potential for harmful activities, both for himself and others.

The third addition to the above symptoms, to be given a diagnosis of hyperactivity are still some other conditions. The above disturbance has settled at least 6 months, and occurred before the child was 7 years old. These symptoms appear in at least two situations, for example at home and at school.

The problems commonly experienced by children hyperactive:

1.Masalah school
Children are not able to follow the lessons delivered by teachers with good, easily distracted concentration makes children can not absorb the subject matter as a whole. Short attention span makes children want to get it over when working on school assignments, talking high tendency would interfere with children and friends who talk so that the teacher would have thought that the child is not paying attention. Many found that many hyperactive children have difficulty reading, writing, language, and math. Especially for writing, hyperactive children have the fine motor skills that are generally not as good as normal children

2.Masalah home
Compared with other children, hyperactive children are usually more prone to anxiety and discouragement. In addition, he is experiencing psychosomatic disorders (health problems caused by psychological factors) such as headache and abdominal pain. It is associated with low tolerance for frustration, so that when experiencing disappointment, he easily emotional. In addition hyperactive children tend to be stubborn and irritable if her demands were not immediately met, the obstacles tersbut make children become less able to adjust to the environment. Naughty child is seen and it is not uncommon to experience rejection from both family and friends, because often made annoyance, parents often treat children less than warm. Parents then a lot of control of the child, full supervision, much criticized, even punishment. Reaction anakpun refused and rebelled. As a result of tension between parents and children, both children and parents become stressed, and the situation becomes less comfortable rumahpun. As a result, children become more easily frustrated. Failure socializing everywhere foster a negative self concept. Children will feel that they are bad, always failing, inadequate, and rejected.

3.Masalah talk
Hyperactive children usually like to talk, he was a lot of talk, but actually less efficient in communicating. Attention deficit disorder makes him difficult to perform mutual communication, hyperactive children tend to be preoccupied with themselves and less able to respond to the other person appropriately.

physical 4.Masalah
In general, hyperactive children have high levels of physical health is not as good as other kids, some disorders such as asthma, allergies, and throat infections are common. At the time of sleep is usually also not as smooth as other children. Many hyperactive children who have trouble sleeping and often wake up at night. In addition, high levels of physical activity children are also at high risk for accidents such as falls, sprains, and so on.

Here are the factors that cause hyperactivity in children:

1.Faktor neurologic
• The incidence of higher hyperactivity found in infants born with prenatal issues such as the length of labor, fetal distress, delivery by forceps extraction, toxaemias gravidarum or eclampsia compared with normal pregnancy and childbirth. In addition, factors such as babies born with low birth weight, mothers who are too young, mothers who smoke and drink alcohol also elevate the incidence of hyperactivity

• The occurrence of poor brain development, in the field neuoralogi etiologic factor which until now widely adopted is a dysfunction in one of the neurotransmitters in the brain called dopamine. Dopamine is an active substance that is useful to maintain the concentration process

• Some studies show disturbance of blood perfusion in certain areas in hyperactive children, namely in the striatum, the region-orbital prefrontal, orbital-limbic brain regions, especially the right hand side

2.Faktor toxic
Some food substances such as salicylates and preservatives have the potential to form a hyperactive behavior in children. In addition, levels of lead (lead) in the blood serum of children increases, mothers who smoke and consume alcohol, exposed to X-rays during pregnancy can also give birth candidates hyperactive children.

3.Faktor genetic
The high correlation of hyperactivity that occurs in families with hyperactive children, approximately 25-35% of the parents and siblings will decrease childhood hyperactivity in children. It is also seen in twins.

Psychosocial and environmental 4.Faktor
In the hyperactive children often found that the relationship between parents mistakenly considered his son.

Saturday 11 July 2015

ADHD recognize and react to

Children with ADHD (Attention Deficit Disorder Hiperactive) or GPPH (Convergence Attention and Hyperactivity Disorder) requires a lot of attention from their parents. In addition to medication therapy, other therapies are needed overall. Needless to blame, but also do favors or menganaktirikannya.
In the visible Kiki (4) the same as any other normal child. But people who know him or frequent contact with him will feel how difficult it is to deal with these children. Kiki notorious bully their peers, they interfere with learning, running to and fro, or quarrel. However Dewi (32), mother Kiki did not feel worried about her son. He considers the activity of Kiki is still fairly reasonable.

Dewi believes, at the age of children is being actively exploring what was in the vicinity, and always wanted to try a lot of things, as long as Kiki would listen prohibition, injunction, and advice from parents, teachers, and others who are worthy of respect, Dewi did not have to worry about their children's behavior.
But what if the child turned out to be very difficult to manage. Prohibitions and commands of parents and teachers, only a powerful few minutes even seconds. The rest, he does not want to cooperate, did not want to be silent, and various other forms of obstinacy that already threaten "stability" class, home, or even a public place?
Child psychiatrist, Dr. Tjhin Wiguna, SpKJ (K), from the Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry Faculty of medicine / RSCM said, many parents do not feel worried if their children are as young as toddlers seem very active. Although sometimes exhausting and cause resentment, but that was the act of a healthy toddler. They were in full swing explore the surrounding neighborhood. Touching, holding, kissing, even eat anything that caught his attention, is a necessary part of the process that he went through in its life cycle.
But if the activity is already beyond the limits of reasonableness, and can not be controlled, need to be aware if the child suffers Hiperactive Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD) or Attention Concentration and Hyperactivity Disorder (GPPH). Children with a tendency to excessive activity (hyperactivity) and difficulty concentrating it, typically beginning to look at the age of 2 years.
Although that trend can already be detected earlier, but many parents are still reasonably assume that his doings for others may seem unnatural.

ADHD or GPPH is a neurobehavioural disorder or physical disorder in the brain. "So it was not caused by misguided," said Tjhin. Manifestations, children with this GPPH unable to concentrate and very impulsive or frequently move suddenly.
In general, characteristics that can be seen in people with ADHD / GPPH is difficult to concentrate on an activity, and tend to keep moving. He was always moved from one activity to another, and can not finish the job, even the most simple, completely.

In general there are three GPPH symptoms are quite striking. First, attention deficit disorder (inattention) with less characteristic can be zeroed. So frequently make mistakes due to carelessness, it is difficult to accept the lesson, and attention began to be diverted.
The second is hyperactivity. Some characteristics of hyperactivity is difficult to sit still, always in a hurry, often moving his legs and arms, difficulty playing quietly, and excessive talking. The latter is the impulsivity (easily aroused). Character is difficult to wait their turn, answer questions before the question is finished posed, often interfere with a friend, and often interrupted the speech of others.
While its main symptom-based GPPH divided into dominant type hyperactivity or impulsivity, lack of attention dominant type, and mixed type between the two types. GPPH therapy can be done in several ways, namely pharmacological therapy or medication to control substances that exist in the brain, behavior therapy, education of patients and families, as well as combination therapy.

Brain cells are disrupted
Although no official figures for the study of children with GPPH, but in the world suffering figure range 3-10 per cent of the child population. While the Indonesian research in 2002 on a number of primary schools in central Jakarta, produces the magnitude that of 100 elementary school children there are 4 children who are likely to suffer GPPH. Speaking about the causes GPPH, despite much research done even since many years ago, but there is no research that says certain factors that cause a person can suffer GPPH.
But Tjhin ensure that genetic factors play a major role in GPPH. Pregnant mothers who consume drugs, cigarettes, and alcohol can also be a factor GPPH in the suffering of children in lahirkannya later. "In addition to pregnant women who experience difficulties during childbirth and premature birth can be a factor, the factor sehinggan not just one but many factors," said Tjhin.
GPPH sufferers often experience problems with executive function, namely the ability to design, expensive, and carry out an action. This is due to abnormalities in the structure of the front part of the brain of the patient. Therefore, if a child with GPPH have low academic achievement, in fact it is not because of the development of cognition that is problematic. Low academic achievement is due to their inability to concentrate in following the teaching and learning activities in the classroom.
Quoting an expert psychiatrist from the United States, Russell Barkley, Tjhin added, difficulty concentrating on GPPH afflictions due to dysfunction in the brain cells that are affected by the hormone dopamine, which serves as a neurotransmitter. Children with impaired GPPH transport between the dopamine transporter and dopamine receptors in the reception of dopamine in the brain cells.
"The brain is composed of many cells and tissues. Well, in children with this GPPH pump that regulates the balance of spending and withdrawal of dopamine is not properly distributed. Because of this disruption emotions become uncontrollable child, "said Tjhin.
According Tjhin, children with this GPPH treatable. However, because the cause itself has not been revealed with certainty, many methods of therapy is carried out to cope with GPPH. One of them is medication therapy or pharmacology. This therapy is done with the use of drugs as a control against the possibility of uncontrolled impulsive hyperactivity.
Because it is clear that children with impaired GPPH on its dopamine, Tjhin said types of drugs that are usually used for children with GPPH is methylphenidate. "Methylphenidate can cause changes in the structure of brain cells that make the child be quiet," said the doctor from the Hospital Pantai Indah Kapuk this. Research has shown that the administration of drugs with methylphenidate can improve executive function. This drug works to increase the synthesis and release of dopamine and neropinehrine. "Kids need to have a drug GPPH to help improve learning ability and behavior control," Advanced Tjhin. With the increasing executive function, children can concentrate, can control and control emotions.
But although children with this GPPH can be cured, but it does not mean any therapy is carried out solely with medication alone. Other therapies are also required accompanying medication therapy. Therapy is applied should be comprehensive and involve physicians, psychiatrists, parents, teachers, and the environment that is around. This therapy is aimed at reducing disruptive behavior, improve school performance and relationships with the environment, as well as independent both at home and at school.
Tjhin continued suffering of children with this GPPH can continue until the child is growing up. So if at first the child does not receive good treatment, then when he was a teenager is likely to experience delinquency, even depression, but not up to the level of suicide.
Responding to the Hyperactive
It is difficult to have a child with Impaired Concentration
Attention and / Hyperactivity (GPPH) this. But no need to blame others, yourself, the environment, or even the patient. Rumondang Month Siregar, owner Schools Special Needs Image Bakrie said the first thing parents should do is to accept the child GPPH fully the situation of children when he was sentenced to GPPH. If parents understand that their children so he can do the parenting of the child in accordance with the circumstances. But if the parents themselves difficult to accept it and continue to press the child, then it would be more difficult to orient.
"Although more focused on the elderly, but it's worth a big family and the environment is also very necessary for parents in dealing with children GPPH," said Rumondang. Besides, he added, parents also need to have 'alarms' to the development of their children. Alarm in question is aware of the growth and development of children his age. "For example, a child two years of age must be able to speak, but why can not my child? Or other children can see, why my child can not or perhaps even excessive? The alarm is only as a signal for parents, "he added.
When parents have been able to see the 'alarm', he can immediately consult a psychiatrist, a doctor, or a psychologist.

By monitoring the 'alarm' early parents will be able to help children to pursue GPPH delay. "Parents can make a normal child as a benchmark. So he can see what has not and should have done her child at that age, "said Rumondang.
Tjhin also added that although the child's brain cells GPPH disorder as has been mentioned, but the parents of the child should not be treated differently to other children, let alone insulting or abusing it. The important thing is parents should not be favors them. It is better in this case the parents make the rules that have been agreed with the child. Eg bath at 5 pm schedule, give him tolerance 15 minutes. Then tell him 'if you do not shower at 5:15 then you should not be watching television'. "So in this case the parents also impose penalties on the things he likes. But do not give physical penalties or things that he hates, it will be useless, "said Tjhin.
However, children with GPPH can still attend public school like any other normal child. Because of the problems in children GPPH is a function of self-control, emotion and behavior are not well developed so that when the drug was given early then its dopamine function will be improved. Parents also need to be patient and supportive therapies currently in live child. So, not a wise thing to alternate therapy before completion.
"Sometimes parents are impatient, and want to get instant results, but this GPPH child therapy takes a long time. If the therapy is great, parents can already see the changes in the first three months, for example, the child is able to talk, "he continued, but most importantly the involvement of a large family and teachers are also needed so that therapy can be more effective and efficient.
It would be better if parents also seek to gain support in "accompany" GPPH child. For example, join the community of parents with children with special needs. It is important to build the confidence of parents in educating children and get moral support.
What to do parents in children with ADHD:
As early as possible to familiarize their children to live in a rule. By applying the rules consistently, children can learn to control his emotions.
As early as possible provides trust and responsibility over what should be done son.
Identify yourself and psychological condition of children. By identifying, parents would not give excessive pressure, which can lead to rejection of the child to do what he should do.
Strive to provide a learning space away from distractions television, toys or noise.
As early as possible to monitor and evaluate on an ongoing basis, and consistent with the treatment that is being run by your child.
Familiarize children to express their emotions in the form of text or images.
Arrange the child's diet, avoid foods and beverages with sugar and high carbohydrate.
Invite your child to recreation beautiful places. This will help children to think positive.
Invite your child to practice calming yourself. For example by drawing a deep breath and remove it through the mouth. This exercise can be done repeatedly